Hammond Truck Accident Lawyers
If you have been injured in a truck accident, get aggressive help from our Hammond truck accident attorneys.
Truck Accidents
Any traffic accident can be a traumatic and devastating event for those involved. An accident involving a smaller vehicle and a large, commercial truck, however, can be horrific. Because of the enormous size and weight differential, occupants in passenger vehicles can be seriously or catastrophically injured or die when colliding with a truck.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a truck accident in or around the greater Hammond area, getting experienced legal representation is imperative. These types of claims are more complex than those involving smaller vehicles, since you will likely be dealing with a commercial trucking company that is subject to both state and federal regulations.
Truck Accident Case Results
Serious Injuries
Back & Head Injuries
Catastrophic Injury
help for victims of truck crashes
Hurt In A Truck Accident?
At Anderson Traylor Edwards, our legal team is well-versed in the challenges and complications that can arise in truck accident claims. With 50 years of combined experience to draw on, we know what to do and how to do it in seeking maximum results for our clients.
how often they happen and who is involved
The Basics of Truck Accidents
Truck accidents can involve:
the most common factors in crashes
What Causes Truck Accidents?
Causes of truck accidents include:
These causes can lead to a variety of accidents, including:
What can happen in a truck crash
Common Injuries from Truck Accidents
determining fault after a truck crash
Who Is Responsible in a Truck Accident?
Various parties may be liable in a truck accident depending on the unique circumstances of the situation.
These can include:
These are often complicated cases that can involve more than one party or entity and both state and federal regulations governing the trucking industry. Investigation and the gathering of evidence as soon as possible is critical in such cases.
Many commercial trucks use “black box” equipment that records information that can be crucial to a case, such as braking and speed data that occurred prior to the crash. This information needs to be documented before it is overwritten and forever lost.
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