Local Counsel
Your partner in successful litigation of Louisiana personal injury cases
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Are You Looking to Hire Local Counsel?
At Anderson Traylor Edwards, we understand that litigating in an unfamiliar jurisdiction can present challenges to you and your client. That is why we are committed to providing you extensive knowledge of procedures and local customs while maintaining a friendly and professional relationship with our clients. Our attorneys are experienced, highly-skilled, well-versed in local court rules and customs, and dedicated to you and your case. We are prepared and eager to share our knowledge and expertise with you, and encourage you to contact ATE for assistance today.
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Local Counsel Services
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Non-Louisiana Lawyers/Out-of-State Counsel
If you are a non-Louisiana lawyer and need information and guidance on how to navigate a personal injury case in our jurisdiction, contact Anderson Traylor Edwards in Hammond today. We are ready to advise you of any pertinent state, parish (county), or community ordinances and procedures that will assist you in trial preparation and litigation for your Louisiana personal injury case.